I work quite frequently with a Gadget company photographing the gifts and gadgets for their E-commerce website and they recently decided they wanted to create a fake product for April Fools, so here is how we went about photographing Hoverboots!
The first step was to convince somebody to be in the photograph, this is never easy but their web developer finally agreed to don a pair of my snowboarding boots and hopped himself up onto a small stepladder. We spent a few minutes working our way through a few different poses to make it look like he was hovering, in the end though the best poses were the moment he started to fall off the ladder sideways as it took all the rigidity out of the pose and made it look like he could actually be hovering.
Once we had a pose we were happy with I took a photograph of the background wall and using some Photoshop magic removed the stool from under his foot, instantly we start to have a hovering effect… nice!
I then cropped the image a bit closer and straightened it up as I realised I’d stood the tripod on uneven ground (doh!) and voilà, we have ourselves a pair of Hoverboots without too much work at all!
I then handed the image to their internal Graphic Designer who put some flames and other final touches to it as they were trying to create an Iron-Man effect.
I enjoy working on collaborations like this, and I think he did a good job with the after effects on the image. Someone out there just paid me to make their web developer hover, it’s a crazy old social media driven world we live in!
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